The Most User Friendly Communications Platforms for Seniors

As people get older and technology evolves, it can be difficult for the previous generation to adapt. Video calling is one piece of evolving technology that some elders find difficult to utilize. However, there are many video calling apps that are specifically designed to make it easier for seniors to use.

Here are the most user-friendly platforms for video calling.


Skype was what started the trend of live video calling apps. Skype is used to chat with friends and family living far away. It is also a great way for family members to communicate with their elderly parents living in a nursing home. You run the program, go to the “Contact” menu, click “Add New Contact,” enter the other person’s information, and press “Send.” From there, you can chat with them whenever you want.

Google Meet

Google has pretty much everything we need to stay connected, including an online video call app called Google Meet. Like Skype, Google Meet is an online video call program—except you don’t have to go through the hassle of installing it as a separate program. Just create a Google account, click the icon with the tiny squares, scroll up until you find Meet, choose the person you’re looking for, and give them a call. You can also interact through text-based messaging if you’re having trouble with the audio.

On a side note, a password that’s short and simple keeps it easier to remember in the event your loved one suffers from memory loss or Alzheimer’s disease.

Amazon Echo

The Amazon Echo can be used for many things, including video chatting. It’s an ideal way to introduce the elderly to technology because it is easy to use.

It is a small tablet that lets you watch TV and movies, read the news, and listen to audiobooks. Back in the day, the only source of entertainment was the radio. Amazon Echo allows people to experience a blast from the past as it allows them to listen to various radio channels and podcasts.

The Amazon Echo also has artificial intelligence called ‘Alexa’. Alexa is an excellent tool for the elderly, as it can keep track of important reminders and relay information about weather conditions. It can even call 911 in the event of an emergency.

Seniors should not struggle with technology or conversing with their loved ones. The programs and technologies here are all ways that they can enjoy modern technology and keep things simple.

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